Monday, July 18, 2005
Where do you find these demented blogs?
On second thoughts, I don't want to knowBy Stef, at 7:10 pm, August 12, 2005
Oh come on you know you do :)
I think the initial seed was set after it occured to me that rather than go out and buy a tabloid it might be enlightening to dig around for a blog on the so-called right of the politial spectrum to see what they were thinking and for that i threw the name Shahzad Tanweer into google and came across that Norwegian blog. It is also striking that even in Norway (cool liberal Scandinavia) ppl on the right equate trying to understand wtf is up with militant so-called muslims with actually supporting them. It's not a complicated concept. Things start blowing up and you want know why. This inclination is not in the least bit the same as passing the ammunition. Whether or not i ever understand the real reasons is neither here nor there.
I have this - let's play quote ping pong!
The cousin of Shehzad Tanweer describes her pain and disbelief on learning that he was the Aldgate bomber.